Teiya and Casey like to play a game at bedtime.  After crawling around the bed for a while, Teiya gets up on her knees and Casey says, “Fall over, Teiya.”  She hesitates for a second, beams a smiles, then keels over sideways or backwards.
Last night, Casey spent part of the night in the top bunk of his bed for the first time.  He slept restlessly, so I went to check on him.  As I stood there in the dark, he sat up and said, “Why don’t we have another baby if there are still more eggs?”  I don’t know where he could have gotten this idea, except that Paul has been reading The Enormous Egg (a book in which a triceratops hatches from a chicken egg) to Casey at bedtime.
May 21, 2006
Bedtime stories
Verily Versailles